Local Development Tracker Toolkit

14. Managing your development tracker

You’ll want to create your own workflows and standards for maintaining your development tracker. We’ve included many of ours throughout this guide, but you’ll need to create ones that work for your organization. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Workflows for data and managing the tracker




Tips and contact form

In earlier sections, we walked you through how the Tips and Contact Us tables in Airtable connect to the site and how you can set up automations so you'll be notified when you get new submissions.

User tip submission, as it's set up in the template tracker and as we’ve experienced with the Detroit Development Tracker, is a core function of the site. Hopefully, your audience will be enthusiastic and willing to collaborate with you on tracking development (more about how to foster that in the engagement section).

We recommend that your plans for managing the tracker include time and commitment to managing user-submitted tips. You should:

The contact form is a more standard feature, included in the site so you can receive general inquiries. (You can adjust this page text to include your own specifics.) You can use similar workflows as you use for tips management – automated notifications, assigning records in the Contact Us Airtable table, marking records as replied and resolved – to ensure you respond to all messages.

The next section discusses reader engagement and public outreach.

Publishing the site
Harnessing public engagement and support

Table of contents

  1. About this guide
  2. How to use this guide
  3. What you will need
  4. Initial questions to ask
  5. Starting with the data
  6. Organizing your data: Airtable basics
  7. Setting up your Airtable base
  8. Using the Projects table
  9. Using the Contact Us table
  10. Using the Tips table
  11. Setting up the site
  12. Customizing the site
  13. Publishing the site
  14. Managing your development tracker
  15. Harnessing public engagement and support
  16. Launching your tracker for the public
  17. Getting in touch with us