Local Development Tracker Toolkit

7. Setting up your Airtable base

  1. Create a free Airtable account if you do not have one.
  2. Go to the “Local real estate development tracker” template base on Airtable Universe, click “copy base” and add it to “My First Workspace” (or another workspace if you are already using Airtable). You can now open your own copy of the template base, add your data and make changes. Data you store here or changes you make don’t affect the published template and will be private until you share your base with others and/or connect it to a public-facing site.
  3. Invite anyone else working on the project to the base (or workspace) as a collaborator with editor or creator permissions.
  4. Before you start adding your own data, review and delete the sample records in all three tables: Projects, Contact Us and Tips.
  5. Don’t delete, add or modify any fields or tables before reading the following section.

What you can and can’t customize without coding

The Airtable base will be linked to your public-facing site. Different elements of the base correspond to different elements of the site code, and certain changes you might want to make to your Airtable base could cause unintentional bugs in the site. Here’s what you can and can’t adjust without further coding.

Don’t make changes to:

You can make these changes without affecting the site:

The next section shows you how to use the Projects table to collect development data in your Airtable base.

Organizing your data: Airtable basics
Using the Projects table

Table of contents

  1. About this guide
  2. How to use this guide
  3. What you will need
  4. Initial questions to ask
  5. Starting with the data
  6. Organizing your data: Airtable basics
  7. Setting up your Airtable base
  8. Using the Projects table
  9. Using the Contact Us table
  10. Using the Tips table
  11. Setting up the site
  12. Customizing the site
  13. Publishing the site
  14. Managing your development tracker
  15. Harnessing public engagement and support
  16. Launching your tracker for the public
  17. Getting in touch with us