Local Development Tracker Toolkit

11. Setting up the site

You will need several online accounts and programs installed on your computer to set up the site.

Create your own copy of this site and host it on your computer

Before you can begin development, you'll have to make changes to two files that sit at the root of your site.

Configuring .env.development.local

The file .env.development.example contains environment variables used in your application. These are principally API tokens that are used to connect to Airtable, Mapbox and Supabase. This file will not be committed to GitHub, since it contains sensitive information -- that's why it's included in the .gitignore file. You will eventually want these environment variables to live in Netlify; more on that later!

First, you need to rename the file to .env.development.local from VSCode’s explorer.

Airtable configuration

You should already have an Airtable account; the next step is to get your personal API key and the ID of your Base.

Mapbox configuration

Mapbox is used for the map on the site, as well as to geocode the addresses attached to each project.

Supabase configuration

Configuring Supabase bucket

Supabase environment variables

Congrats! You've configured all the underlying services - you're ready to run the development server.

Start the development server

Now that you're done configuring the site, it's time to run a development server locally so you can make changes to the site and test those changes on your local machine before pushing those changes to your GitHub repository.

Within VSCode, while you are working within the root directory of your site, open the terminal (Menu > View > Terminal). Then run the command run npm install. (You “run” by entering that text and then hitting enter.) Installation may take a few minutes.

Then, run the following command: npm run dev.

You should see a message in the terminal:

ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3000

Go to your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 -- you should see a live copy of the template site!

In the next section, you'll learn how to customize necessary elements of the site.

Using the Tips table
Customizing the site

Table of contents

  1. About this guide
  2. How to use this guide
  3. What you will need
  4. Initial questions to ask
  5. Starting with the data
  6. Organizing your data: Airtable basics
  7. Setting up your Airtable base
  8. Using the Projects table
  9. Using the Contact Us table
  10. Using the Tips table
  11. Setting up the site
  12. Customizing the site
  13. Publishing the site
  14. Managing your development tracker
  15. Harnessing public engagement and support
  16. Launching your tracker for the public
  17. Getting in touch with us