Local Development Tracker Toolkit

13. Publishing the site

Once you've gotten the template site up and running with your local customizations and added some data in your Airtable base, you're ready to publish your site to the internet.

The easiest way to get your site up and running is with a hosting provider, such as Netlify.

Configuring Netlify

Note: The RECORD_FILTER will be wrapped in double quotes in your .env.development.local file, but you should remove those for the Netlify environment variable. Also, be sure that the quotation marks in the RECORD_FILTER are straight quotes, and not curly quotes.

Configuring your site's domain

Adding your site URL to toolkit.config.js

Commit changes

Developing with netlify dev

Now that your site is deployed to Netlify, and configured with the correct environment variables there, you can develop it locally with the netlify dev command. This is just like npm run dev, except that it will pull in environment variables from Netlify to build your site.

You can create a live development server, accessible from anywhere, with netlify dev --live and send a live preview URL to someone.

To do this, you'll need to install the Netlify CLI and log into Netlify from the terminal.

Republishing the site

Your site needs to be periodically rebuilt and redeployed in order to pull in the latest data from Airtable.

By default, when you change the site's code, on the production branch, Netlify will see that the code has changed and rebuild the site. This will fetch a new copy of the data from Airtable.

However, most of the time you will want to republish your site without changing the code.

Manual republishing of the site

There are a few ways that you can manually republish the site and pull in new Airtable data:

Automatic republishing of the site

In the next section, you'll learn more about workflows for managing your tracker's data.

Customizing the site
Managing your development tracker

Table of contents

  1. About this guide
  2. How to use this guide
  3. What you will need
  4. Initial questions to ask
  5. Starting with the data
  6. Organizing your data: Airtable basics
  7. Setting up your Airtable base
  8. Using the Projects table
  9. Using the Contact Us table
  10. Using the Tips table
  11. Setting up the site
  12. Customizing the site
  13. Publishing the site
  14. Managing your development tracker
  15. Harnessing public engagement and support
  16. Launching your tracker for the public
  17. Getting in touch with us